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Купить книгу Я хочу быть с тобой! Учебник счастливой жены, автора Натальи Толстой
Я хочу быть с тобой! Учебник счастливой жены
Эта книга создана для того, чтобы ты как можно дольше могла любоваться золотым кольцом на безымянном пальце правой руки. А если ты только мечтаешь об этом – тебе тоже весьма кстати представляется случай пройти «Школу любви» и освоить науку под названием «Счастливый брак»! А для того, чтобы тебе было легче и проще изучать эти науки жизни – вот тебе Учебник. В нем все по-настоящему: и лекции есть, и вопросы с места, и задачки, и решения. Он написан, как Уголовный кодекс – по прецедентам и на все случаи в жизни. Ты можешь учиться на чужих ошибках, брать на заметку чужие просветления, и только в одном тебе придется пройти серьезную самостоятельную работу – в построении своей собственной жизни, не похожей ни на чью другую! Действуй, как подсказывает любовь и сердце, даже если тебе чей-то совет покажется удачным (в том числе и высокопрофессиональный) – прислушайся к своему сердцу, как к барометру: твой ли это путь?
Купить книгу Чудесный брак, автора Николая Кырпалэ
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Чудесный брак
Мы ищем такую любовь, которая на 100% наполнит каждую клетку нашего тела и сознания. То есть человечество ищет вечную любовь. В основном наша способность любить развивается в семье. Тем не менее, официальная статистика показывает нам, что, к сожалению, в настоящее время много семейных пар во всем мире разводится. Возникает логичный вопрос – почему столь драгоценная любовь так легко разрушается? Эта книга поможет вам создать такой брак, о котором вы мечтаете, а также вы сможете передать победу в любви всем своим потомкам. Давайте начнем совершенствоваться!В оформлении обложки использовано изображение автора Shootdiem.
Купить книгу The 100 Most Asked Questions About Love, Sex and Relationships, автора
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The 100 Most Asked Questions About Love, Sex and Relationships
Over the years, as a relationships counsellor, Barbara De Angelis was asked many questions – the most common of which appear in this book to give a rounded, useful and dip-into quality to this excellent book.As always Barbara’s words of wisdom will be invaluable to readers who want to build and strengthen their elationship with a partner.Questions include:Is it natural for Passion to Disappear after years of marriage?Why am I attracted to the wrong, ‘bad boy’ type ofman?Can a big age difference between two people hurt the relationship?How can you tell if someone is really committed to the relationship?What can I do to please the one I love in bed?
Купить книгу What Women Want Men To Know, автора
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What Women Want Men To Know
What makes women tick? And how can women and men use this knowledge to make a great relationship? Top relationships expert Barbara De Angelis tells you how‘What Women Want Men To Know’ is a book for men and women alike. Barbara De Angelis reveals what makes women tick, just why it is they do what they do – in relationships, in bed, and in day to day communication. And what they want from their men.Essential reading for the man who wants to understand his partner better, it is also a must for the woman who wants to understand her own relationship and needs: “first and foremost this book is for you as a woman to read. It wasn’t written just to help men understand you – it is an invitation for you to know and understand yourself more than you ever have before… ”The book includes the top 10 turn offs for women in bed and the top 10 turn ons.At a time when our stressed-out lifestyles are making healthy, fulfilled relationships increasingly elusive, the foremost female writer in this genre has provided, yet again, a route to a greater understanding of the one you love.This is vintage De Angelis.
Купить книгу Les Très Riches Heures de Mrs Mole, автора Ronald  Searle
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Les Très Riches Heures de Mrs Mole
47 jewel-like drawings by Ronald Searle made for his wife, Monica, each time she underwent chemotherapy.On New Year’s Eve 1969, Monica Searle was diagnosed with a rare and virulent form of breast cancer. Each time she underwent treatment, Ronald produced a Mrs Mole drawing ‘to cheer every dreaded chemotherapy session and evoke the blissful future ahead’. Filled with light and illuminated in glowing colours, the drawings speak of love, optimism and hope. Like the mediaeval illuminated manuscripts such as the 15th-century Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, to which the title of this book refers, the 47 drawings are on an intimate scale and were never intended for publication. The story of Monica’s survival against the odds and the part played by the encouragement of her husband will move many people who have either experienced cancer for themselves or been affected through a close family member of friend.*Due to the full colour illustrations within this book, it is best viewed on a colour screen device*
Купить книгу A Spoonful of Sugar, автора
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A Spoonful of Sugar
Timeless wisdom for modern mothers.It all began with a conversation with my grandmother…When Liz Fraser spent a month with her grandmother, she was at her wits' end as a parent, fed up with crop-tops, pester power and the pressure to consume. So she asked her grandmother – what works? What helps make a good childhood?The answers were surprisingly simple – and stunningly effective.From early bedtime to giving your child room to play, the old-fashioned common sense of her grandmother's generation changed Liz's family life for good.Liz reveals the traditional rules that allow you to give your children back their childhood, while adding her own experience as a modern mum, aware we have to work with the world we live in now. The result is a book that reminds us how precious and short childhood is, and delivers practical solutions that every parent can employ.Comforting, friendly and reassuringly traditional, this is all everyone needs for a happier, simpler family life.
Купить книгу Are You the One for Me?, автора
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Are You the One for Me?
From Barbara De Angelis, author of 14 bestselling relationships titles and internationally-recognised relationship psychologist, comes the definitive book on compatibility. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationships you deserve.Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationship you deserve.World-renowned relationship counsellor Barbara De Angelis reveals everything you need to know about compatibility. You’ll learn:• Why you’ve chosen the partners you have – and how to make better choices,• How much sexual chemistry you and your partner really have,• The ten types of relationships that won’t work,• How your childhood memories may be affecting your love life,• The six essential qualities to look for in a mate,• How to spot fatal flaws in a partner,• Why you may be falling in love for the wrong reason.If you’re single or divorced: read this book to understand why your past choices weren’t right for you and how to get it right this time.If you’re in love: learn how to be 100% certain that this relationship is the one for you.If you’re married: discover how to understand and balance your differences so that you can live happily together every day.Repackaged and redesigned for the modern reader with an iconic new cover, Are You The One For Me? is the last word in finding the right type of companionship for you.
Купить книгу Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?, автора Steve  Biddulph
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Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?
Steve Biddulph, the favourite number one name in parenting psychology – and bestselling author of Raising Boys – examines how different childcare options are likely to affect you and your child in this rivetting and highly topical bookThis topical book tackles a key issue all new parents face. Steve Biddulph looks at childcare choices and the dilemmas that so often arise:– ‘I want to stay at home with my child but don’t know how I can’– ‘I don’t know what is better: nursery, creche or childminder’– ‘if other people look after my child will it affect its development and happiness?’It examines the two-income ‘slaves to work’ culture in the UK and how in the past ten years, the number of babies and toddlers under three who are spending all day (8am to 6pm) in nurseries has quadrupled. Biddulph urges caution and warns that the hurried and disconnected way that families now live their lives could be damaging to a whole new generation’s mental stability and development.The book is an eye-opener in terms of child development and provides useful case studies from parents who are stay-at-home and those using all-day or part-time childcare – groups sociologists have named ‘slammers’ and ‘sliders’ respectively.
Купить книгу Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed, автора
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Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed
Купить книгу Forever Baby: Jenny’s Story - A Mother’s Diary, автора Mary  Burbidge
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Forever Baby: Jenny’s Story - A Mother’s Diary
Купить книгу Christian Christian Names: Baby Names inspired by the Bible and the Saints, автора Martin  Manser
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Christian Christian Names: Baby Names inspired by the Bible and the Saints
Купить книгу Street Kid: One Child’s Desperate Fight for Survival, автора
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Street Kid: One Child’s Desperate Fight for Survival