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Купить книгу Church Turned Inside Out. A Guide for Designers, Refiners, and Re-Aligners, автора Linda  Bergquist
Church Turned Inside Out. A Guide for Designers, Refiners, and Re-Aligners
A design-thinking book for planting or redesigning churches and incubating a new generation of leaders. Written by Linda Bergquist and Allan Karr, two experienced church planters and mentors, the book is full of wisdom, practical advice, and creative counsel. Instead of a business-model-as-usual approach, the authors challenge readers to begin with the raw materials of beliefs, values, individuals, teams, and culture, and to then move outwards to draw from a rich palette of real and potential church paradigms. This book is meant to provoke church leaders to think outside of the box and to imagine how their churches might better reflect the image and the mission of God in the world. Contains a wealth of illustrative examples, charts, and other visual aides Offers a creative practical perspective and a multi-disciplinary approach to establishing a new church or leading an existing one Shows how to honor a church's purpose while embracing its unique culture Includes important lessons for nurturing church leadership skills
Купить книгу Immortal Diamond. The Search for Our True Self, автора Richard  Rohr
Immortal Diamond. The Search for Our True Self
Dissolve the distractions of ego to find our authentic selves in God In his bestselling book Falling Upward, Richard Rohr talked about ego (or the False Self) and how it gets in the way of spiritual maturity. But if there's a False Self, is there also a True Self? What is it? How is it found? Why does it matter? And what does it have to do with the spiritual journey? This book likens True Self to a diamond, buried deep within us, formed under the intense pressure of our lives, that must be searched for, uncovered, separated from all the debris of ego that surrounds it. In a sense True Self must, like Jesus, be resurrected, and that process is not resuscitation but transformation. Shows how to navigate spiritually difficult terrain with clear vision and tools to uncover our True Selves Written by Father Richard Rohr, the bestselling author of Falling Upward Examines the fundamental issues of who we are and helps us on our path of spiritual maturity Immortal Diamond (whose title is taken from a line in a Gerard Manley Hopkins poem) explores the deepest questions of identity, spirituality, and meaning in Richard Rohr's inimitable style.
Купить книгу Gratitude Works!. A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity, автора
Gratitude Works!. A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity
A purposeful guide for cultivating gratitude as a way of life Recent dramatic advances in our understanding of gratitude have changed the question from «does gratitude work?» to «how do we get more of it?» This book explores evidence-based practices in a compelling and accessible way and provides a step-by-step guide to cultivating gratitude in their lives. Gratitude Works! also shows how religious, philosophical, and spiritual traditions validate the greatest insights of science about gratitude. New book from Robert Emmons the bestselling author of Thanks Filled with practical tips for fostering gratitude as a way of life Includes scientific research as well as religious and philosophical insights to show how gratitude can work in our lives From Robert Emmons, the bestselling author of Thanks, comes a resource for cultivating a life of gratitude practices.
Купить книгу Catholicism For Dummies, автора John  Trigilio
Catholicism For Dummies
A comprehensive and definitive guide to the Catholic faith Whether you're a member of the faith or just interested in it, Catholicism For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers a casual, straightforward introduction to the ins and outs of the contemporary church. It explores the moral foundations of Catholicism and explains such sacraments as weddings, Baptisms, funerals, Confirmations, and First Communions. It also covers the basics of Catholic belief, including the story of creation, the origin of sin, and even the end of the world. New to this edition, the book covers the succession of Pope Francis, the «People's Pope,» whose message of reconciliation among religions and focus on social issues like poverty and inequality have made him immensely popular, even among non-Catholics. Explains where the church and the Pope stand on important moral and social issues Covers modern questions of moral importance to Catholics, like gay marriage, abortion, and the death penalty Reveals what modern life is like in the priesthood Written by the co-hosts of the popular weekly television program «Crash Course of Catholicism» In this accessible guide, you'll take a full and rich look at this diverse and vibrant religion and understand what it is to be a Catholic today.
Купить книгу The Bible For Dummies, автора Jeffrey  Geoghegan
The Bible For Dummies
The Bible For Dummies (9781119293507) was previously published as The Bible For Dummies (9780764552960). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. Discover the world’s all-time bestseller in an entirely new light Ninety percent of Americans own a copy of the Bible, and while it's the most widely read book, it's also the least understood. Regardless of your religion, understanding the Bible brings much of Western art, literature, and public discourse into greater focus—from Leonardo da Vinci's «Last Supper» painting to the Wachowski brothers' The Matrix movies. People have historically turned to religion to deal with tragedy and change, and with the right insight, the Bible can be an accessible, helpful guide to life's big questions. The Bible For Dummies appeals to people of all faiths, as well as those who don't practice any particular religion, by providing interfaith coverage of the entire Bible and the often fascinating background information that makes the Bible come alive. You'll find answers to such questions as: Where did the Bible come from? Who wrote the Bible? How is the Bible put together? Follow the history of the Bible from its beginning thousands of years ago as tattered scrolls to its status as the bestseller of all time. The Bible For Dummies covers these topics and more: Ten people in the Bible you should know The Hebrew Bible The Apocrypha's hidden treasures What's new about the New Testament Israel's wisdom, literature, and love poetry The Bible's enduring influence The prophets: more than fortunetellers Whether you're interested in broadening your spiritual horizons, uncovering the symbolism of Western culture, or gaining a deeper understanding of the book you grew up reading, The Bible For Dummies has all the information you need to navigate this ancient and fascinating book.
Купить книгу The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection and Renewal, автора Megan  Scribner
The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection and Renewal
20th ANNIVERSARY EDITION The Courage to Teach Guide for Reflection & Renewal is a helpful companion to Parker J. Palmer's classic work on restoring identity and integrity to professional life. A superb resource for those who wish to extend their exploration of the ideas in The Courage to Teach, as individuals or part of a study group, the Guide provides practical ways to create «safe space» for honest reflection and probing conversations and offers chapter-by-chapter questions and exercises to further explore the many insights in The Courage to Teach. The bonus online content includes a 70-minute interview with Parker Palmer, in which Palmer reflects on a wide range of subjects including the heart of the teacher, the crisis in education, diverse ways of knowing, relationships in teaching and learning, approaches to institutional transformation, and teachers as «culture heroes.» Discussion questions related to the topics explored in the interview have been integrated into the Guide, giving individuals and study groups a chance to have «a conversation with the author» as well as an engagement with the text.
Купить книгу Catholicism All-In-One For Dummies, автора
Catholicism All-In-One For Dummies
Grasp the beliefs and practices about one of the world's oldest religions Catholicism All-In-One For Dummies is your all-inclusive guide to the Catholic Church and its billions of followers. You'll learn how Catholicism came to be, how it's practiced, and where it stands socially and politically as you explore the rich history and diverse culture surrounding this major religion. Clear, friendly writing takes you inside a mass to understand what happens there, and walks you through a tour of the saints, holidays, the Bible, and the Vatican. Special coverage includes the role of women in the Church and in the Bible, and the tremendous popularity of Pope Francis, who has quickly become one of the Vatican's most-loved leaders. You'll dive into the beliefs and practices of Catholicism and get answers to the most common, confusing, controversial, and worrisome questions. Catholicism is quickly expanding beyond its 1.2 billion followers, with growing numbers of priests and new baptisms every year. Attendance at papal events has tripled to 6.6 million since Pope Francis' election in 2013, and Catholicism has become the largest religious denomination on the planet by a wide margin. This book explains what makes Catholicism so alluring, giving you insight into the religion and everything it entails. Discover the complicated history of the Catholic church Understand what goes on at mass, and why Learn where the Church stands on important issues Explore Pope Francis's unprecedented popularity across cultures The Catholic Church has been reinvigorated and revitalized with the enthusiasm surrounding Pope Francis, and his openness to the world and everyone in it. If your curiosity has been piqued, Catholicism All-In-One For Dummies is the ideal guide to learning what it's all about.
Купить книгу Falling Upward. A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life -- A Companion Journal, автора Richard  Rohr
Falling Upward. A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life -- A Companion Journal
A valuable new companion journal for the best-selling Falling Upward In Falling Upward, Fr. Richard Rohr seeks to help readers understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed, or «gone down» are the only ones who understand «up.» The Companion Journal helps those who have (and those who have not) read Falling Upward to engage more deeply with the questions the book raises. Using a blend of quotes, questions for individual and group reflection, stories, and suggestions for spiritual practices, it provides a wise guide for deepening the spiritual journey. . . at any time of life. Explains why the second half of life can and should be full of spiritual richness Offers tools for spiritual growth and greater understanding of the ideas in Falling Upward Richard Rohr is a regular contributing writer for Sojourners and Tikkun magazines This important companion to Falling Upward is an excellent tool for exploring the counterintuitive messages of how we grow spiritually.
Купить книгу Книга радості: вічне щастя в мінливому світі, автора
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Книга радості: вічне щастя в мінливому світі
• Бесселер за версією The New York Times • Поради від Далай-лами та архієпископа Туту • Відповіді на питання: як впоратися з гнівом, люттю, горем, відчаєм, зневірою Світові духовні лідери, лауреати Нобелівської премії миру, Далай-лама і Десмонд Туту діляться секретами, що допоможуть поглянути на себе і власне життя по-новому. Автори навчать, як досягти духовної гармонії, розкажуть про причини виникнення негативних емоцій і про те, як давати їм раду. Радість закладено в кожному з нас, це почуття не залежить від соціального статусу, матеріального добробуту, сім’ї чи кар’єри. Стань щасливішим уже сьогодні! У цій книзі ви знайдете практичні поради, медитаційні вправи, історії з життя, що надихають і дарують можливість змінити кожен день на краще.
Купить книгу Личность Фатимы Захры, автора Хусейн Сайиди
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Личность Фатимы Захры
Эта книга посвящена младшей и самой любимой дочери Пророка Мухаммада (С). Уже при жизни она являла пример богобоязненности, терпения, правдивости и целомудрия. Существует много хадисов, указывающих на особое место Фатимы в сердце Пророка (С). На страницах книги, которую вы держите в руках, известный иранский писатель Хусейн Сайиди описал самые замечательные черты дочери Пророка, рассказал об ее отношении к Всевышнему и окружающим людям.
Купить книгу Интегральная медитация, автора Кена Уилбера
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Интегральная медитация
Кен Уилбер – выдающийся мыслитель и мастер созерцательных методов – предлагает в своей новой книге мощную систему медитации, предназначенную для всеобъемлющей трансформации сознания. На её страницах представлен новаторский подход к практике осознанности, совмещающий классический метод медитации с всеобъемлющей интегральной «теорией всего». Результатом такого синтеза является эффективная система целостной самотрансформации и интегральной осознанности.
Купить книгу Улыбнись страху. Пробуждение истинного сердца отваги, автора Чогъям Ринпоче Трунгпа
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Улыбнись страху. Пробуждение истинного сердца отваги
Учения, представленные в этой книге, учат читателя, как работать с проявлениями тревожности и неуверенности, столь характерными для современного мира, открывая в себе внутреннюю силу, уверенность и радость в любых обстоятельствах, что бы ни происходило.